did you miss me...? I missed you guys!
I had a wonderful fun relaxing vacation,
and had so many wonderful inspirations while I was gone.
One of them was this Subway type of art.
While shopping I had seen a sign similar but the wording was, "life is art live yours in color"
I liked it but I wanted to change it up a little bit.
When I got home I remembered that I had two of these old canvases. They were originally framed store prints that someone had primered over. They love me so much at Goodwill that the manager said they were going to throw them out and then thought..."Karin will buy these"
They were right I nabbed them right up and they laughed because they said they knew it would be me ...:)
So I started lightly painting on where I wanted the words with a very thin paint and then slowly used thicker paint when I knew where I wanted the words.
I then used my KRINK markers to color in the words "color-full " :)
I really love how it turned out and it was a re-use instead of a thrown away or even having to
go buy a new canvas. So for $2.99 and the paint I had on hand I have new ART..
Can't beat that!
I am so glad to be back!
I hope you all have a BEAUTY-FULL day!!!

So awesome! I love the sentiment and how you used it!
That looks JUST like you =) Bright and Happy!!
Sure did miss you!! Welcome back!!!
Love the sign!!
Thanks for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!
Hi, sorry I had to get a message to you here - I couldn't find your contact info! Did you get my email for the "what I like about your blog" you've signed up for? Please email me!
I need this! So cute! XO, Aimee
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