Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Simple and Quick Valentines Q-tip Heart Art

Good Morning My Beauties...I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
I had fun and got to go out 2 nights in a row..(That's a big deal for little ole me...)
I got to spend time with some girlfriends to celebrate her Birthday
and then on Saturday night got a spontaneous call to spend time with one
our favorite family's for a get together...I had a blast
and even got to take a nap on Sunday..All in all...a very productive (fun wise) weekend.
But all fun aside, I did manage to eek out a fun and simple Valentines day project.

I hadn't even intended on making any more valentines stuff, but while looking through Pinterest
I was getting Valentines overload. I had seen someone make some hearts with Pencil erasers..
but I had a better idea. You see I use q-tips quite a bit when I paint because they give the perfect little circle and they are disposable..(I despise cleanup)
So I grabbed some small little canvases that I had in my CRAP/CRAFT room,
grabbed my paints and grabbed a bunch of q-tips.

Here I am gathering some of my paints for the project.

Now here is the other LIGHT BULB moment I had... Before I started painting on the hearts
I thought you know what, you know how you think its easy to make something even but MUCH like cutting your own bangs ...:)  sometimes its best to have a guide..:)
(what you all know you have cut your own bangs and kept cutting and cutting to try and even it up only to have 1/2 inch bangs.........WHAT??? I can't be the only one..LOL)

So that I didn't have lopsided hearts I decided to cut out a template. I cut out a piece of paper the size of my canvas, folded it in half and cut out a hearts shape...FOOL PROOF...or at least KARIN proof..

I then started laying down the circles in just random order. You can do what ever colors you want and
truth be told you could do this with any simple shape.

and there you have it...just a simple little project..that adds a cute little valentine love to your home.

I hope you all enjoyed this little tutorial and have fun making your own.

Have a BEAUTIFUL day!!!
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Valentine button photo ValentineButton2013_zps3a776cf2.jpg“/>


Unknown said...

Way cute, Karin! And I love the bright colors you used! :D

lynn cockrell said...

So cute and yet easy and the part I like best--no clean up!

Our Pinteresting Family said...

Such a great idea!

Sumaya at Evocative Vintage said...

You are so amazingly innovative Karin! Thanks for some great tips/ideas.

I love simple things with a big wow factor and this projects ticks all the blocks for me!

Have a fun week!


Anonymous said...

thank you! this is soooo inspiring! I am pinning it to try this week. :o)

Rose @ Walnut Acre said...

Very cute! I love how colorful they are.

Cindy said...

I like that! Sweet and easy looking, something that children could do, thanks I need a craft for my girls club. Cindy

Diana of Diana Rambles said...

Super cute! Smart idea to start with the stencil!

Unknown said...

So cute!

Missy Inspired said...

This is really cute! Nice job.

Missy Inspired

Unknown said...

This is a great idea that I think I'll do with my daughter. Thanks for sharing it.

Chrissy said...

Very cute idea! Such a fun idea for kids! I have a new Pinterest Party and would love to have you share this if you have a chance!


Unknown said...

Really cute, I love the colors too! Thanks so much for sharing on Super Sweet Saturday.

Unknown said...

Art I can do!!!
Yes, I'm sitting here with !/2 inches bangs...but only on one side! Thanks for linking at Homa Style.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for visiting Homa Style and linking your Valentine creative heart art and vintage box.
Have a wonderful Valentines Day!
Remember to visit again on the last Wednesday of February for the Inspire Me link party.